Monday, July 25, 2011

TMI...On Time!!!

TMI Tuesday: July 26, 2011
by TMI Tuesday blog
At The Movies

1. Why do you go to the movies? Depends on the movie!
a. To feel
b. To think
c. To escape

d. To enjoy the air conditioning

2. In the last six months, have you viewed more movies at home or at the movie theatre?

Definitely at home! But I've seen my fair share in the theater as well :-)

3. What was the last movie you watched at home? At the theatre?

At home: 'How to Marry a Millionaire" on dvd and 'Superhero Movie' on TV
In the theater: Capt America last night :) I like it!

4. Which do you enjoy most in a movie?
a. Two beings battling to death such as Godzilla and Mothra (or any foe), Gladiator
b. Car chase scene such as Ronin, Fast & the Furious
c. Major heist such as Italian Job, Ocean’s Eleven, Snatch
d. Epic battle scene such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings: Two Towers

5. In your opinion, which movie(s) have the best or most enjoyable sex scenes?

That is a tough one...I like the sex scene in Mr. and Mrs. Smith but sometimes I think they add in a sex scene just to sell the movie. You need to have a sex scene that works with the plot and the people, you can't just throw one in willy nilly.

6. Which of these is your favorite Hollywood movie plot? Although all the choices are pretty cliche....
a. Boy meets girl (Also I sometimes LOVE these but won't always admit it!)
b. The Jesus Story (apocalyptic; someone is saving the world)
c. Fish out of Water
d. Buddy movie

7. What is your favorite movie genre? (Thriller, comedy, action/adventure, drama, mystery, fright, etc.)

Again, depends on my mood, I like to be scared (especially if I have someone to hold onto), I like to laugh (but some comedies are waaaaay to poop joke oriented for me), and I like to cheer for a hero (especially if it is fantasy/historical).

8. In movies, what makes you cry?
a. mistreatment of a prime, likeable character
b. gushy, mushy romance (e.g., marriage proposals, couple finally proclaim their love)
c. very scary jump-out-at-you, make-you-pee-your-pants scenes
d. anyone or anything dying

Bonus: What is your favorite movie? Why?

I have too many favorites! My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas cause it is amazing (it just is too bad!). I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cinderella! (and everything about her not just the movie). 50 First Dates is my favorite love story and it ALWAYS makes me cry. Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte De Loup) is my favorite "I am depressed and want to watch a movie" movie. So I can't answer this one very well!!

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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