Monday, August 1, 2011

The Quiz.....

Experimentation is a great place to be. Open-mindedness when it comes to sexuality can open doors and allow you to discover things that you didn't think you would find engaging. Having such a curious attitude can help you learn more about your own sexual nature as well as the nature of others.

Experimental 86%
Submissive 82%
Masochist 75%
Bondage 71%
Degradation Lover 61%
Switch 57%
Sadist 43%
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 32%
Dominant 29%
Vanilla 21%

BDSM Inclination Quiz.

I've taken this quiz a couple of times and it keeps popping up with "experimental." I kind of agree with this as I haven't done enough to really solidify my position (although I am not sure that there is not a statistically significant difference between the Experimental and Submissive scores). I always think back to my "Openness" score on the NEO when things like this come up (FYI Openness if one the "Big 5" personality factors in psychology). I scored pretty high on openness and while I am by no means good at making fast decisions (insert pondering joke here) I am pretty liberal in my thinking overall. It would be interesting to create a valid and reliable measure that essentially answers the question of "what flavor are you?" but alas that would take a lot of time and use resources that I do not currently have. Until then, this is what we have. :)

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