Monday, August 22, 2011

TMI- A little late but it's OK!

TMI Tuesday: August 23, 2011
by TMI Tuesday blog
Sometimes I’m so random. And THIS is one of those times…

Random stuff the universe needs to know about YOU.

1. When you go to a party, would you rather show up accidentally underdressed or overdressed?

Accidentally overdressed, who knows, you could have shown up from work!

2. What is something you have won and how did you win it? (Inspired by the An Optimistic Virgin)

I won a stadium seat cushion for knowing the name of the theme to Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Funeral March of the Marionettes)

3. Do you squeeze the toothpaste from the middle, end, or top?

Top until it runs out then the bottom :)

4. What is something your parents used to say to you that you promised yourself you would never say–but now you catch yourself saying frequently?

OMG there are way too many to count. One of my favorites is: don't be sorry, be better. Thanks mom!

5. What 3 lies did you regularly tell your parents? If applicable, what 3 lies do you tell your parents now?

I was hanging out with the girls, I'll get to it, I was awake

6. What is something that you intended to do today but didn’t? Why not? Will you do it tomorrow?

Oh god so much! I need to pack and deal with cable/electric companies, get in contact with my landlady soooooo much!

7. What is something that people do in traffic that really bothers you? (inspired by My Quest To Be A Good Girl)

Not using their turn signal!! Oh and when motorcyclists drive like morons then campaign for people to "see them"

8. Whose autographs have you collected? (You can stop at five, in case you’re an autograph hound or celebrity stalker).

None I think....

Bonus: Where do you go to find solitude, tranquility or connection to a higher power?

In nature, late at night in the dark, driving on dark country roads, while therapizing people :)


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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